Activa Human Structure Oleatonic Cardio, 45 softgels

Activa Activa Human Structure Oleatonic Cardio, 45 softgels  QR Code
  • Brand: Activa
  • Item No: 840019
  • Availability: In Stock
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  • Ex GST: S$34.66
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Essential Omega-3 Fatty Acids - EPA and DHA, cannot be produced by our body but play vital roles in our body’s ability to develop, function and repair properly.

So, it is important to ensure we consume enough EPA and DHA to support the health of our major organs like our heart, blood vessel, brain, eye, skin, etc.


How to Discern A Good Fish Oil?

Fish is the primary source for EPA and DHA. When we supplement with fish oil, the manufacturing processing of the oil affects its molecular form and the ratio of the EPA:DHA content, which in turn affect how well our body can use it.  

The Triglycerides TG molecular form is the form naturally found in fish and in Activa products, which our body has the enzymes to digest and use readily.

On the other hand, fish oil supplements in the market are usually of the Ethyl Ester EE molecular form as a result of the processing. Our body cannot digest and use this form readily.

Activa Human Structure Oleatonic Cardio uses the premium Epax® brand of high quality, purity and sustainably produced fish oil.

The proprietary blending ensures that the molecular form and EPA:DHA ratios are bio-compatible for our body’s efficient use.

In this way, there is no need for a large volume of oil, or artificially high values of EPA and DHA not found in nature, to bring about a physiological effect.

Thus, this product can be made available in small easy-to-swallow softgels, unlike conventional fish oil supplements.


How to Preserve The Quality Naturally?

Activa Human Structure Oleatonic Cardio is carefully made using an air-less manufacturing process to prevent oxidation of the oil and the need for a preservative.

Oxidation of the oil will render it rancid, denaturing its nutrients and producing harmful compounds.

The finished softgels are individually blister-packed to continue to protect the oil from the environmental conditions.


The Activa Edge

Every formula of Activa promotes and activates the vitality of a targeted area of our body with no side effects.

The sequential formulations deliver synergistic action of the components, restoring balance in the body.

The active ingredients used are 100% natural with complete bio-compatible for total assimilation.

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