Do You Have Fatty Liver?

Do You Have Fatty Liver?

Do You Have Fatty Liver?

Our liver plays a critical role in our health by removing toxins, processing nutrients, hormones and cholesterols in our body.  It quietly does its work 24/7, and we often take it for granted.  In the recent years, a condition called NAFLD (non-alcoholic fatty liver disease) has become increasingly common in Asia.  Yet, most people remain unconcerned because the condition is often without symptoms and goes undiagnosed.  Even if diagnosed, doctors tend to dismiss the condition as ‘harmless’, saying there is nothing to be done except to ‘monitor’.  What they are not saying is: wait till it progresses into a more serious condition like liver cirrhosis or liver cancer.

In the past, fatty-liver has always been associated with alcohol drinkers.  What is fatty liver?  Fatty liver disease occurs when fat molecules accumulate in the liver cells.  The presence of these fattened cells can then lead to inflammation in the liver and damage to surrounding liver tissue. Without controlling the disease process, it can lead to liver damage, liver failure or liver cancer.  Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, in contrast, is unrelated to alcohol consumption.  Some of the risk factors are: high cholesterol, high triglycerides, obesity, diabetes and hypothyroidism.

So what can we do to take better care of our liver, providing support or preventing the condition of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease?  Here are some tips:

  1. Exercise (lose weight if obese).
  2. Eat a healthy plant-based diet that is rich in vegetables, fruits, wholegrains and healthy fats.
  3. Avoid alcohol.
  4. Reduce foods high in fats and sugar.
  5. Lower your cholesterol or control your blood sugar if they are high.
  6. Supplements that can help:  Polyenylphosphatidylcholine (PPC), milk thistle, curcumin, vitamin E, omega 3 fish oil, resveratrol and S-Adenosylmethionine (SAMe).